Your friend’s child constantly complains of a toothache, and you don’t want your child to suffer the same way. If so, you should know everything about a child’s dental care. Here we have tried to provide some insights and easy-to-follow tips on how to take care of your child’s teeth. You should memorize these tips if you are constantly wondering how can we take care of our child’s teeth. 

When Does a Child Get Teeth?

It is a fact that a child starts developing teeth in the second trimester of pregnancy. At birth, a child usually has twenty primary teeth. To take care of them, you need to run a damp and clean washcloth over the baby’s gums to eliminate the bacteria. 

When to Brush a Child’s Teeth?

When your child gets teeth, start brushing them with an infant toothbrush. Use just a small amount of fluoride toothpaste (approved by ADA). 

When to Floss a Child’s Teeth?

You can start flossing when the child’s teeth touch each other. 

When Should My Child Learn to Brush the Teeth?

Your child should start learning how to brush by the time they turn two. Teach them to spit while brushing. Supervise the brushing habits of your child until the age of eight. 

Can My Child Get Cavities?

Yes, even a baby can suffer from tooth decay. It often happens when sugars from the formula, milk, or juice stay on the baby’s teeth and reduces the enamel (a layer of the tooth that helps prevent tooth decay.) This is called baby bottle tooth or bottle mouth. When that happens, the front teeth of the baby can get pitted, pocked, or discolored. In worst cases, the dentist might have to pull the teeth. 

Make sure your child switches from a bottle to a sippy cup with a straw when they are six months old. They should be able to use the cup on their own by the time they turn one. 

When Should My Child Start Visiting a Dentist?

According to ADA, children should start visiting a dentist by their first birthday. Pediatric dentists are highly recommended as they are trained to guide you on preventing a child’s dental health issues and how to fix the situation if the dental health is not as good as it should be. 

What Dental Issues Can a Child Face?

A child can be at risk of many dental issues if they don’t visit a dentist regularly. Some of them are:

  • Dental cavities or caries
  • Tooth pain
  • Fracture of teeth
  • Extensive decay of teeth
  • Malformation of teeth
  • Damaged teeth
  • Bite or chewing issues
  • Teeth straightness issues

How to Enhance Your Child’s Oral Health?

You can help enhance your child’s oral health and avoid potential dental problems by taking care of the following:

  • Make sure your child brushes their teeth two times a day.
  • Teach them flossing, which should be done at least once a day.
  • Use fluoride to improve enamel health.
  • Teach your child to pick low-sugar foods and drinks.
  • Avoid too much candy, sodas, and other sugar-laden foods.
  • Ensure that your child has regular dental checkups.

Talk to the Experts!

If you need more advice on your child’s dental health, you can talk to an expert directly. One of the most reliable dental clinics in California is Dr. Rudy’s Dental Care. We have a team of dentists who will eliminate all the dental concerns and help ensure your child’s better oral health. To get a free consultation, call 310-550-0800.
