Do you ever wince when enjoying ice cream or having a hot cup of coffee in the morning? Do you know that it might be due to tooth sensitivity? Yes, tooth sensitivity is more common than you think. If it happens once in a while, you don’t need to worry. However, if it happens too often, you might need to rethink your oral health. Here we give you the answer to is having sensitive teeth a serious issue. Read on to know. 

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity?

There are many reasons for tooth or teeth sensitivity. They can vary from using a toothbrush with stiff bristles or overbrushing the teeth. It can also happen if you use toothpaste that’s too abrasive or consume too many acidic foods or have a health condition like bulimia or acid reflux. Due to one or more of these reasons, the tooth enamel might erode, and your tooth or teeth might be vulnerable to sensitivity. 

Why is Only One Tooth Affected?

If only one of your teeth is experiencing tooth sensitivity, it could indicate that your oral health is not as great as you assume it to be. Usually, the damage can spread, and you might have multiple sensitive teeth within a few weeks. 

What Types of Teeth Sensitivities are There?

There are three types of teeth sensitivities, hot sensitivity, cold sensitivity, and sweet sensitivity. You can experience one or more at the same time. 

Treatment Options for Teeth Sensitivity

When you visit a dentist for a teeth sensitivity issue, they might suggest one or more of the following solutions.

  • Desensitizing Toothpaste

If the toothpaste you are using is too abrasive, the dentist will ask you to go for a desensitizing toothpaste that you can buy over-the-counter. 

  • Fluoride

The dentist might also ask you to use fluoride to the affected area or do it for you. It will help strengthen the tooth enamel and might also help in reducing the pain. 

  • Bonding or Desensitizing

The dentist might also treat the exposed root surfaces by applying bonding resin to sensitive root surfaces. For this procedure, you might need a local anesthetic. 

  • Gum Grafting

If your tooth root or teeth roots have lost gum tissue, the dentist might go for gum drafting. In this procedure, a small amount of gum tissue can be taken from elsewhere in your mouth and attached to the affected area. It will help in reducing sensitivity and protect the exposed roots. 

  • Root Canal

Often used as the last resort, this treatment option will help eliminate teeth sensitivity. It’s a long process done over a couple of sessions, so you might need to make time for it. 

How to Prevent Teeth Sensitivity?

You can prevent teeth sensitivity by following these steps:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Don’t brush too vigorously.
  • Don’t use an abrasive toothpaste. 
  • Avoid grinding your teeth. 
  • If you can’t stop grinding your teeth, go for solutions like a mouthguard. 
  • Avoid acidic foods like wine, citrus fruits, and carbonated drinks. 
  • If you can’t skip acidic foods, drink water immediately after their consumption to balance the acid levels. 
  • You can also use a straw to consume acidic foods to reduce exposure to your teeth. 

Final Words

Dental issues like tooth sensitivity or teeth sensitivity should never be ignored. You should see a dentist immediately to ensure that the problem is eliminated before it can worsen. If you don’t take corrective actions in time, you might lose a tooth or several teeth. To get more professional advice on teeth sensitivity, trust Dr. Rudy Dental Care. Contact Us for a Free Consultation on 310-550-0800 or visit us here
